The road is the goal – many travelers know this and believe in it. When you think of that statement, you probably think of a place by the window on a train or a bus that runs through picturesque areas. Few think of a cramped seat in a large metal tube rushing through the sky – airplane.

On top of that, it is crowded and makes you be in very close contact with strangers who, with honor exceptions, become increasingly difficult to bear as the flight draws to a close. I guess that’s why most passengers get up as soon as the plane stops moving on the runway – something that the cabin crew hates. Truth to be told, both of the sites do.

Thus, in this blog post, I bring you a few expert tricks for surviving a long flight.

Choose your seat carefully

man sitting in airplane

Some people love having a seat by the window because the plane wall is the only intimate place that should not be shared with others. Some people like sitting by the aisle because they like to stretch their legs.

Others, like the places in the rows next to the wings, feel the least turbulence because they are closest to the center of the plane. And what about you? No! Don’t make your decision before you read what it follows. 

Keep in mind that the first rows in the cabin are usually reserved for parents with small children, so if you want to be as far away from their cry as possible, choose the rows in the other part of the plane.

Book your seat online on time or arrive at the airport when the counter opens. The later you come the worse place you get.

Places near the exit can be good for stretching your legs, but keep in mind that there is a queue for toilets in the area around them, people are standing and chatting, and they are usually close to kitchens where food is prepared and where cabin crew is staying.

So make your choice wisely!

Watch what you eat

long flight food

The food we eat while on a plane is not something we remember. Even in business class, it is often not particularly tasty so many eat at airports before boarding. 

Hence, when having a meal before a night flight, it is good to avoid desserts that give extra energy that you have nowhere to spend.

Avoid foods that do you no good or inflate because they can be uncomfortable for you and the environment. More sensitive travelers often carry nuts and energy bars. Why? Because it is better to eat some of it more often than a heavy and greasy dinner.

If you want to be served first before the flight, order a special dish whether vegetarian, gluten-free, or similar. Avi companies offer a variety of dishes tailored to tastes or religious restrictions so don’t worry in case you have some restrictions when it comes to food.

Drink wisely

surviving a long flight with tomato juice

World travelers will recommend not drinking alcohol and drinking as much water as possible to help with jet lag. Alcohol can put you to sleep in an instant, but as sugar enters your blood it can wake you up.

However, it is good to avoid fizzy drinks because these gases have to come out very quickly. This is why tomato juice tastes better on the plane and is so popular during long flights. Find out more about it here.

The air in the plane is very dry, so it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids, although this should be timed according to the desired time of sleep. Many passengers carry empty plastic bottles that they fill with water after checking so this might be a good option as well.

Download your favorite songs on your smartphone

girls listening music on airplane

Music is crucial for surviving a long flight. That’s why make sure to download some music that you like before you get on a long flight and get some headphones. Usually, it is recommended to listen to something relaxing, chill out, soft jazz, and similar instrumental tracks. This type of music helps best against the noise of airplanes, snoring neighbors, or crying children.

If you don’t have headphones already then you can get noise-canceling headphones so they will remove all the background sounds from the other passengers. They can come in super handy when you want to rest and get some sleep during the flight.

This type of headphones is designed to eliminate all surrounding sounds, whether it’s a baby crying, passenger conversations, or noise coming from the plane. Click here to check them out.

Travel Eye Mask Stellar Deluxe

Choose the right clothes

wrinkle free clothes

Depending on the length of the flight, you might spend even 16 hours in a row sitting on the plane so the clothes should be comfortable and soft. This is why one should always choose what is comfortable, and perhaps not the most modern.

If necessary, you can change your clothes at the airport before you get on the plane. Moreover, it is good to take a scarf as it can serve you even as a blanket if needed. Remember, comfy clothes might definitely make things easier for you in terms of “surviving a long flight”.

By the way, if you are traveling with kids then you definitely should check out our other blog post that covers that topic in particular. Find it here.

Extra tips for surviving a long flight

girl on the airport

Tip 1

Bring face and hand cream as the air in the plane is very dry.

Tip 2

Stretch, take a walk on the plane, and do a couple of exercises to stay relaxed whenever you can.

Tip 3

Bring menthol candies. They are good when feeling nausea and can help your breath stay fresh.

Tip 4

It’s a good idea to take disposable hotel slippers so you can get to the toilet without having shoes on your feet all the time. Remember that when sitting for a long time, the legs swell so you definitely should have some slippers instead of shoes during long flights.

Tip 5

Bring charging cables for your favorite gadgets. Airplanes on long flights have USB ports. However, always make sure to have your phone in airplane mode while flying with a plane.

Tip 6

Some sleeping pills are good especially if you feel anxious about flying, but you should consult a doctor to have the ones that suit you before buying them.

Moreover, have at our blog post that deals with travel anxiety in order to find useful tips in case you need them.

Tip 7

In order to provide yourself with a good rest on the plane, it is ideal to get a good travel pillow, I recommend the pillow “ostrich”, it looks pretty funny, but with this type of travel pillow, you will feel like you are in your own cocoon.

You have to push your head into it, and then you can easily lean back on the bus, car, or plane. If you want to rest at the table, there are also holes into which you can push your hands. If you don’t have one, you can buy one here.

Final Thoughts

All in all, air travel can be very boring, but with hopefully these tricks for surviving a long flight, it will be slightly less hectic for you. Another great thing to do while having a long trip is to take pictures from the window, in case your seat is by the window, you might get some nice shots from the sky! Or just get some nice sleep so you can be fresh and full with energy when you arrive at your destination. Have a safe flight!

Further reading:

Traveling With a Pet: Your Ultimate Guide






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There are two things that I'd never get tired of - traveling and writing. Traveling has taught me that the world could be a scary place if you don't have the courage to fall in love with the intensity of the unknown. Writing has taught me that life could be even scarier if you try to devour the extravagance of your emotions, especially the ones about the things you are truly passionate about. And when the two intertwined together, they have made a wonderful creation, the one that I decided to present to you as - The Destinationship.